Relieving Unmet Needs
We are committed to helping volunteers and community organizations relieve suffering and the unmet needs of people. In Ukraine, this has included supporting weekly food runs for patients in a psychiatric hospital, shoes, medicine and food for impoverished pensioners, infant food and diapers for mothers as well as household supplies for families in villages previously occupied by Russian forces. We also provide emergency support to individuals when this is otherwise not available, for example, financial support for medical assistance. Read the stories of Valentina and Petrina in Ukraine Stories to see how your donation can make a real difference to a person in need.
Supporting Families and Children
Helping children feel safe, learn to relax and identify their feelings is essential to their immediate wellbeing and future development. We work with organizations that offer space and activities that help children and families to feel safer and begin to heal. This support can include toys and gifts for special occasions like Christmas and Easter, arts and recreation materials for activities, as well as structured wellness activities for children who are experiencing difficulties because of their situation.
Investing in People
We believe it is important to invest in volunteers and organizations that are making everyday differences in the lives of people in their communities. These can be small but important contributions like furniture and play structures for organizations supporting women and children. Investing in people can also include sharing of trainings and education resources.
You can see how a small investment in a mat for the Semya organization in Odesa made a world of difference to a group of children. It became a space for children to play and have fun. A space to imagine, create, and learn. And in times of war, a space for children to feel safe and protected, a space where they can heal and thrive.